Can you get HPV in the throat from oral sex? - hpv of the throat photos
How can I test to see if they are in the neck? What happens when you are in your neck? Can someone explain to me, because I heard that you can have a laryngeal cancer HPV, oral sex. Im so confused, I have a pap and STD every year, and I'm good, but never as a tool for HPV because my doctor told me that makes me nervous, so I did. What are the tests to see if I can in my neck.
That's all you about HPV and all available evidence as it comes and know that there are vaccines.
Once very excited about what's important this time and got to know a lot about this disease. It turned out that he was fine though. It is always better, but to prove it.
Although most cancers of the mouth and throat with the consumption of tobacco are linked and / or alcohol, have begun studies to show that HPV can be another major source of danger. HPV seems to be particularly closely with cancer of the tonsils are associated, but also in biopsy samples found at other sites in the vicinity.
In contrast to cancer of the cervix, there are several other risk factors for cancers of the oral cavity and pharynx. In areas where other risks, such as alcohol and tobacco and snuff are less widespread, is likely responsible for an HPV cancers than in areas where widespread.
Each had, the sex or oral sex is a little nervous about their tests. You are not alone, there is a natural feeling. How do your feel your throat? You feel as if something is wrong or abnormal? If not, then more than likely have to fear anything. But they test for is the only way to ensure that everything goes well.
As an end of the sexually transmitted virus works in the context of cancer is so far from the genitals? The answer is probably oral sex. Several studies have shown a link between oral sex and the presence of HPV DNA in the mouth and throat samples. Other studies have shown a link between lead oral sex and throat cancer, HPV, especially in people who oral sex on men.
Although there is no cure, the good news is that the infection often on their own. If not, and must be treated, there are many treatment options for HPV. In addition, because more and more people are vaccinated with the new vaccine against HPV, HPVinfection can be significantly reduced.
Only for a positive HPV test does not mean you need treatment, at least not immediately. After a positive HPV test your doctor may close monitoring.
In women, the doctors can smear of cells from the cervix are collected as in a Pap test and laboratory analysis. This analysis looks for genetic material, or the HPV DNA in the cells of the body. It can detect the HPV types with high risk. (There is no specific test for HPV types that cause cancer is now) and for men.
Have a doctor take a look around.
yes - it seems to cause a case to read in a few days, oral cancer this year - please / od / HPV / a hpvoralcancer.htm / ...
yes - it seems to cause a case to read in a few days, oral cancer this year - please / od / HPV / a hpvoralcancer.htm / ...
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